About / Who we are


Board of Directors

According to Namex Charter, the Board of Directors has the powers and competencies for the management of the consortium, in representation of the consortium members.

The Board of Directors is appointed by the general meeting of consortium members and is vested with the broadest powers for the ordinary and extraordinary management of the Consortium, without any exceptions and has the power to perform all the deeds that it deems appropriate for the implementation and attainment of the corporate purposes, with the sole exception of those absolutely reserved by law to the Meeting.


Renato Brunetti


Born in Rome on November 12, 1952, he started his career in the ICT sector in 1970 as an expert in IT systems and software projects. Since the beginning, he has been involved in research and development in the IT sector. In 1985, together with two partners, he founded Unidata which is dedicated to microinformatics, networks and system integration. He is among the precursors in the Italian Internet Industry, active since 1994, becoming one of the first consultants in the ISP sector. He is President of the Namex Consortium since April 2019.

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Maurizio Goretti

Executive Director (CEO)

Currently CEO at Namex Rome IXP, where he has been contributing since 1996. A Physic graduate, he has been for some years a Magnetic Monopole hunter for Caltech University in an Italian underground laboratory. In 1996 he moved into Internet Services joining Caspur, a university consortium based in Rome where the Rome IXP was born in 1995. Head of Network and Infrastructure at Caspur, after the merger with Cineca he became the Head of the Hosting BU. He’s one of the authors of OpenWisp, an open-source system that has contributed to the development of public Wifi Services inside the Italian local public administration. He has been recognized by the European Union as an Expert in the field of Internet and Telecommunications.


Rosario Pingaro

Vice President

Born in Naples, Rosario Pingaro is an engineer and entrepreneur. Graduated at the top of the class in Engineering at Federico II University in Naples in 1997, he also got a MBA at the STOA’ Business School in 1999. Always enthusiastic about computers, the Internet, technological innovation and local development, after living for a short time in New York where he earned the Series7 brokerage license by NASD, Ing. Pingaro started his entrepreneurial career and founded Italycom S.r.l. to bridge the extensive digital divide in Southern Italy using the HiperLAN wireless technology. This earned the newly founded company the Marrama Award in the business category in 2004, an award launched by the newspaper Il Denaro and the Banco di Napoli Foundation. At present, Ing. Rosario Pingaro is the Chairman, CEO and CTO of Convergenze S.p.A., a multi-utility company he founded in 2005, that specializes in Wi-Fi and FTTH technologies as well as electricity, gas and sustainable mobility. Also, since 2013 Ing. Pingaro has been serving as President of the Capaccio-Paestum Cooperative Credit Bank in the town of Capaccio. In early 2017, he was awarded the Primula D’Oro-Oscar Award of Cilento in the category of entrepreneurship.


Antonio Baldassarra


Gianfranco Delli Carri


Gianfranco Delli Carri is the President of IT.Gate where he also holds the position of Head of Network. Gianfranco is an accomplished leader with almost 25 years of extensive experiences in Networking and Managed Services. He spent his first years as a network engineer and consultant designing and deploying critical projects and IP services for large enterprises, then he came to the decision to start his own business: IT.Gate. Gianfranco background helps him to understand things at ground level. So, when he moved to be an entrepreneur, he was already able to investigate problems, identify solutions, assess, and evaluate business. Gianfranco ability and passion has been driving IT.Gate to become a recognized Network Service Provider that offer cloud enabled data center and network services over a Business Grade High Speed Infrastructure of Data Centers and Low-latency Network around Italy and Europe. Gianfranco Delli Carri is a member of the board of TOP-IX (Torino Piemonte IX) since 2007 Married, father of a fantastic son, Gianfranco is a curious traveler and sportsman, with pleasure of the small things as friendship, food and wine, that makes him enjoy life.


Alfredo Giordano


Mr. Alfredo Giordano has Master’s degrees in Engineering from Turin Polytechnic. He is a networking and engineering enthusiast with over fifteen years of experience in the operational and executive management of telecommunications technologies and services, with practical experience in network planning, network operations management and Internet Service Providers development. Mr. Giordano has functioned as CEO of Warian, Italian ISP, since October 2011 and has worked extensively in the regulated market as well as in custom services. He has also successfully conducted consultancies across Europe in the area of network training and high availability design for different industry players. Prior to Warian Mr. Giordano was involved in several technical positions in the USA and the Caribbean.


Milko Ilari


Danilo Lanzoni


Danilo Lanzoni, with more than 20 years of experience in telecommunications and networking is currently in charge of IP Engineering at Wind Tre, with responsibility of IP/MPLS network and IP Services engineering. Information Science engineer, graduated in Politecnico di Milano in 1996, before Wind Tre he was responsible for IP Engineering in Wind Telecomunicazioni and for Data & IP Network engineering in Infostrada. Before that he was involved in CATV networks design for cable operators in Europe.


Domenico Jannelli


Domenico Jannelli is the Director Network Strategy EMEA at Akamai Technology, the world’s largest CDN. Domenico and his team have the responsibility of establishing and developing relationships with hundreds of Network Operators across Europe, Middle East and Africa. Before Akamai Domenico was Sales Director at Tata Communications and Sales Manager at Cable and Wireless.


Giuliano Peritore


Mr. Peritore has been a Nmex board member since 2010. After a videogame coding experience, in 1995 he founded Panservice, one of the oldest Italian ISP, and has been working for more than twenty years in the Internet Access Services industry. Mr. Peritore is also Vice President of AIIP, the Italian Internet Provider Association, and has a deep on-field knowledge of both networking infrastructure and interconnection regulatory and policy issues.


Giacomo Scillia


Antonio Soldati


Antonio Soldati has been working in the Telecommunications industry for 25 years, and since 2014 he is the head of IP Core & Transport Engineering for TIM. An electrical engineer and former navy officer, he has direct experience in all technical aspects of production, from R&D to field deployment. He has been involved in peering matters and has been member of Namex Technical Committee for many years.

Technical Committee

NAMEX Technical Committee is an advisory and control body for all matters pertaining to technical management and operations of the exchange. In particular, according to NAMEX charter, the Technical Committee:

  • Prepares and submits to the Board the Technical Regulations designed to specify the technical rules regarding the services offered by the Consortium and to ensure that they function in the best possible way;
  • Watches over compliance with the Technical Regulations by members of the Consortium;
  • Expresses an opinion to the President of the Consortium as to applications for admission to the Consortium;
  • Supervises the quality of the services offered by the Consortium, and suggests innovations and initiatives directed toward the development of the Consortium and to the improvement of the quality of the same services.

Technical Director (CTO)

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Flavio Luciani

Flavio Luciani was born in Rome in 1981 and graduated in Computer Engineering from the University of Roma Tre in 2005. Since 2008 he has been in the team of Namex, the Internet eXchange Point in Rome, first as a member of the technical staff and since 2020 as Chief Technology Officer. He is currently involved in several initiatives in the Internet Community: he collaborates with the RIPE NCC organisation, with the association of European eXchange points EURO-IX and holds a role in the Steering Committee, within the Internet Society (ISOC) initiative, Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security. Through workshops, courses and in-depth articles, it promotes greater attention to the topic of routing security.

Committee members


Massimo Carboni (Rete GARR)

Massimo Carboni holds a degree in Physics from La Sapienza University of Rome. He has been working in the field of computing and computer networks for over 30 years. He has been working on the transition from proprietary programming environments to open-source (Unix), since the 90’s. In the same period, he also focused on experimental nuclear and subnuclear physics, contributing to the development of Monte Carlo simulation software (HEMAS, FLUKA). Since the late 90’s, he has been working in the field of networking, acquiring a notable experience in the area of optical networking and network packets and other infrastructural aspects of digital encoding and transmission. He was the project manager of GARR-G network, in 2002, and GARR-X network, in 2009, and the Chief Technical Officer of GARR-X Progress (2013-16). He is part of the team of experts who developed GÈANT, the pan-European data network for education and research. He currently is GARR network infrastructure manager and he coordinates the network innovation task force (ELISA project).


Francesca Cuomo (Sapienza Università di Roma)

Francesca Cuomo is Full Professor at Sapienza University of Rome teaching courses in Telecommunications, Network Infrastructures and Smart Environments. Prof. Cuomo has advised numerous master students in computer engineering, and has been the advisor of 13 PhD students in Networking. She is the Chair of the Master Degree in Data Science in Sapienza. Her current research interests focus on Low Power Wide Area Networks and Internet of Things, 5G Networks, Vehicular networks and Sensor networks, Multimedia Networking, Energy saving in the Internet and in the wireless system. She participated in several national and international research projects, being Principal Investigator of many on them. From May 2022 she is part of the Scientific Committee of the Fondazione Ugo Bordoni. Francesca Cuomo has authored over 161 peer-reviewed papers published in prominent international journals and conferences. Her Google Scholar h-index is 31 with >4100 citations. Relevant scientific international recognitions: 2 Best Paper Awards. She has been in the editorial board of Computer Networks (Elsevier) and now is member of the editorial board of the Ad-Hoc Networks (Elsevier), IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Sensors (MDPI), Frontiers in Communications and Networks Journal. She has been the TPC co-chair of several editions of the ACM PE-WASUN workshop, TPC Co-Chair of ICCCN 2016, TPC Symposium Chair of IEEE WiMob 2017, General Co-Chair of the First Workshop on Sustainable Networking through Machine Learning and Internet of Things (SMILING), in conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM 2019; Workshop Co-Chair of AmI 2019: European Conference on Ambient Intelligence 2019. She is IEEE senior member.


Angela Dall’Ara ( RIPE NCC)

Angela is Policy Officer at RIPE NCC since 2020, supporting the development process and the implementation of the policies accepted by the RIPE community She joined the organisation in 2014 as Internet Resource Analyst to evaluate network operators’ requests for IP addresses and AS numbers. After many years as tenured teacher in Italian high schools, she moved to the Netherlands in 1999, where her career developed as network engineer in British Telecom and Rabobank International. There she became familiar with implementing and maintaining global IP/MPLS networks, optimising QoS, full path redundancy on different hardware vendors with multiple OSPF processes and preparing for the transition to IPv6. She also joined AMS-IX as service manager for one year, assisting with SLA implementation. Her main focus is on balancing sustainable technically sound solutions with at large ethical thinking.

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Francesco Ferreri (Namex)

Francesco Ferreri took his master's degree in Computer Engineering from Tor Vergata University in 2004 and started working with Namex shortly after. Since those early years, he has supervised the technical and infrastructural development of the exchange point, firstly as a member of the technical staff and then, starting from 2008, serving as Chief Technology Officer with responsibility for the technical infrastructure and daily operations. Following his desire to stay in touch with technology he recently assumed the role of Chief Engineering Officer, taking on the responsibility for the development of Namex exchange platform and related services, hopefully helping Namex entering into its next-generation era. Besides networking, he has strong interests in software and systems engineering, object-oriented software design and programming, web and automation tools development.


Florence Lavroff (Google)

Florence Lavroff is a Peering Manager at Google, responsible for content delivery optimisation, peering and peering infrastructure strategies, ISP and Internet Exchange relationship management in EMEA. Her journey in the Internet industry and technology started in 2005 at Cable & Wireless. She then specialised in content delivery from 2009 whilst working for CDNs, such as Akamai and Google, that made the Internet as it is today. Armed with solid analytical, organisational skills and proficiency in foreign languages, Florence develops strategic partnerships and negotiates peering agreements with ISPs and Internet Exchanges of her region of expertise, i.e EMEA (Europe Middle East and Africa). Firm believer in the impact of community work and mentoring, Florence is a true team player enjoying getting involved in various organisations such as RIPE and Toastmaster International.


Augusto Paolo Mari (IGT)

Augusto started as network engineer in Sip company (aka Telecom Italia) from 1992. In 2000 moved as network director for a regional ISP in Catania (T Net aka Cities on Line). In 2004 data center manager for ITTelecom. Since 2005 starting as consultant engineer in Lottomatica group. Focused on technical and strategic development of domestic and international infrastructures.


Luca Rea (Ugo Bordoni Foundation)

Luca Rea took his degree in Telecommunications Engineering in 2005 from the University of Roma “La Sapienza”. He soon joined FUB to work in research activities related to broadband access, serving as Network Planning Manager, Strategy Analyst and Telecommunications Architect. He developed knowledge of network planning, design and creation processes in TELCO organisations. He gained experience in business planning and management of complex projects. He carries out his activities within national and international projects sponsored by the EU; he has also acted with coordinating roles. Since 2009, he is the Project Leader of a nation-scoped project on “Quality of Service of Internet access” commissioned by AGCOM. Since 2012, he participates as an appointed expert of the Italian Administration, to international standard committees and working groups of TLC networks, particularly to ITU SG13. Currently, he is head of the “Transport Information Technologies” department.


Giampaolo Rossini (Unidata)

Giampaolo Rossini is the Chief Technical Officer at Unidata S.p.A. since 2002. He joined the company in 1997 as system engineer. From 1999 to 2002 he worked for Cable & Wireless as responsible for network development and engineering. He joined Unidata again in 2002 with the role of head of network management and service assurance. He has expertise on the Internet Protocol since 1994 and knowledge of many routing protocols (OSPF, BGP, ISIS, OLSR) for IPv4 and IPv6. In 2008 he started the creation a wireless network in the 5 GHz free spectrum in order to mitigate the digital divide in the Rome area, reaching more than 3,000 users connected to 158 POPs. Giampaolo is now involved in building the new optical metropolitan area network of Unidata with the goal of providing 1Gbps FTTH services and in building a LoRaWAN wireless network for Internet Of Things.


Gianpaolo Scassellati (ZTE)

Mr Gianpaolo Scassellati currently holds the position as Head of IP Networking and Fixed Transformation at VEON Ltd* in Amsterdam, company he joined in March 2013 as Manager Technical Architecture. He reports to the Group Director Architecture and Security. Mr Scassellati has more than 20 years of experience in the telecom industry mostly at mobile and fixed operator Wind Italy, now Wind 3, and at the Milan Stock Exchange telecommunication department (now part of SIA.eu SpA). Mr Scassellati has been involved in international activities in NGMN, GSMA, IETF and joined the Namex Technical Committee since 2004. Mr Scassellati holds a Master degree in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Perugia, Italy. * VEON Ltd. (NASDAQ: VEON, Euronext Amsterdam: VEON) a leading global provider of connectivity and internet services headquartered in Amsterdam and serving over 235 million customer. The company operates under the Beeline, Jazz, Djezzy, Kyivstar and Banglalink brands and owns 50% of a joint venture in Italy which operates under the WIND and 3 brands.


Simeone Mastropietro (TIM)

Simeone Mastropietro, graduated in telecommunication engineering at Rome University “La Sapienza” in 2000, and worked at the beginning for Co.Ri.Tel dealing with IP/MPLS and QoS within the European AQUILA Project. He joined afterwards Telecom Italia and worked on the Multiservice TI IP/MPLS Backbone in the Network Engineering department focusing on network architectures, routing protocols and MPLS technology. In 2012 he became the team leader for the IP BackBone testing Engineering department. In 2014 he was appointed TPM (Total Project Manager) for the Next Generation Core Network project. In 2019 he became the Project manager for the Engineering and the roll-out of the TIM IP BackBone (aka OPC - Optical Packet Backbone). During his career he has been also involved in many international collaborations in Latin America (Bolivia, Cuba, Brazil), Indonesia, and Europe (France and Germany). In 2010 he also obtained a master's in Business Management and Organizational Development at Politecnico in Milan, and he has Cisco and Nokia routing professional certifications.


Tiziano Tofoni (Reiss Romoli)

Tiziano Tofoni (aka Admiral Tofonoto) graduated in Electrical Engineering at the University of Padua (Italy) and holds a Master in Mathematical Statistics from the Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. He was a researcher at the Institute of Bioengineering and Dynamics of Systems of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) in Padua and Teaching Assistant at the Department of Statistics of the Florida State University. Subsequently, after a short experience in the Aerospace industry, he joined the staff of the Advanced School in Telecommunications “G. Reiss Romoli” (at that time part of Telecom Italia Group), where he has worked for over 20 years, in the field of Traffic Engineering, Advanced Technologies for IP Networks and future scenarios of broadband telecommunications. He has held courses on Numerical Analysis, Probability and Queueing Theory at the Departments of Science and Engineering of the University of L’Aquila (Italy). He is a co-author of the book “Traffic Engineering in Telecommunication Networks”, and is the author of “MPLS Fundamentals and applications to IP networks”, “BGP: from theory to practice” and “IS-IS: from theory to practice” (this last book is downloadable for free at http://blog.reissromoli.com). In 2010, along with other colleagues, he has (re-)founded the Reiss Romoli srl, heir to the great tradition of the Advanced School in Telecommunications G. Reiss Romoli. He is also a renowned blogger. You can reach his blog at blog.reissromoli.com. Starting from November 1st 2019 he was appointed Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Reiss Romoli srl.


Annibale Ranuccci

E-mail: dpo@namex.it