Namex Roma
In a country that is geographically extending approximately 1.300 Km from north to south, Rome is conveniently placed half way, able to equally serve the entire peninsula. Rich in history, Rome is not looking only to its heritage and past but wants to actively look into the future. It is a thriving environment where new datacenters and additional submarine cables are planned and under construction.
Diversity in the connectivity within the city and from the northern aggregation points make it the ideal location for a redundant presence in Italy. Five locations, which we decided to name after the Roman emperors, Caesar, Augustus, Tiberius, Hadrianus and Claudius are already active and can support a wide diversity of peering, interconnection and colocation requirements, with three more locations making their way in the market.
Born as the NAutilus MEditerranean eXchange, Namex has never lost its tension to open the doors of Europe to the countries facing the Mediterranean, from North Africa to the Middle East and has always looked at building a community of national and international players. With more opportunities to reach Rome and find the right hosting, this goal is ever closer.


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