
The first bits of Namex Napoli
After installing the hardware in the datacenter in 2023, just before the end of the year the first bits of

EI Towers is one of the latest additions at Namex
EI Towers is the leading independent tower company in Italy specializing in the management of telecommunication infrastructures, with a portfolio

Sanremo and Internet traffic in Italy
The Sanremo Festival is the most important and prestigious music event in Italy. It’s an Italian song festival held annually

Namex Newsletter Q1 2024
A challenging but successful year – 2023 has been a challenging but successful year! The opening of the Napoli POP and the first operational year in Bari allowed us to get closer to local operators, contributing to the addition of 31 new ASNs, bringing the total connected ASNs to 239.

BGP in the EVPN model
When it comes to LAN emulation services, the Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS) model has many defects that prevent its

Namex Bari – L’IXP Edge pugliese compie un anno
Namex Bari, il punto di interscambio Internet (IXP) regionale per il Sud con datacenter carrier neutral gestito direttamente da Namex, ha da poco spento la sua prima candelina: dopo soltanto dodici mesi, il datacenter ha già messo radici nel florido ecosistema delle telecomunicazioni della Puglia e non solo, e sta conducendo l’area verso un modello funzionale e sostenibile.